Ck.74 Electrometric Methods in Environmental Analysis

Ck.74 Electrometric Methods in Environmental Analysis

Elektrokemisk analyse i marine og terrestriske miljøundersøgelser

Accumulation of soluble forms of heavy metals in biological tissue and conversion of sulphides in marine sediments are examples of chemical processes which reflect or affect life in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Some of these processes may be monitored using electrometric techniques, which are based on thin film mercury electrodes, chemically selective electrode surfaces, specifically designed voltammetric excitation waveforms, and computerised monitoring of relaxation transients. The course is focused on such environmental processes and a discussion of their potential effects on life. Moreover a number of selective and sensitive electrochemical approaches for environmentally important analytes will be described (including stripping methods, modified electrodes, and computerised electrochemical instrumentation). Attention will be given to the advantages (selectivity, sensitivity, accuracy, precision, portability) of these electrometric methods and to their limitations. Finally aspects of sampling and sample pre-treatment will be covered.

Teaching material
Selected papers and lecture notes.

Teaching curriculum
Lectures, student seminars and (if the number of students permits) some experimental work. Four hours per week.

Inorganic Analytical Chemistry (Ak.3).

Pass/fail based on student activity and oral presentation.

Study points
5 ECTS credits (= 1 point)

Lars Kryger (Room 512-217).

The course is offered as a c-course in the spring term 2003.