Ck.76 Concepts in Chemistry: Origins and Originators

Ck.76 Concepts in Chemistry: Origins and Originators

Kemiske begreber: Oprindelse og ophavskilder

Electronegativity, covalency, and ionic character are some of the concepts that have a varied and often contested existence in chemistry. It will be attempted in this course to trace the history and the stories associated with these and other concepts. Great personalities have created and developed concepts as well as contributed to the strife and peculiarites of progress. Their stories reflect on the concepts.

Teaching material
C. A. Russell: the History of Valency. Leicester Univ. Press. Selected papers. 

Teaching curriculum
Lectures and tutorial exercises. Four hours per week.

Capacity for library and internet searches and chemical background corresponding to the first two years of study on the lines termed Kemi-.

Pass/fail based on student activity and oral presentation.

Study points
5 ECTS credits (= 1 point).

Jan Linderberg.

The course is offered as a c-course in the spring term 2003.