Ck.69 Chromatographic Separations

Ck.69 Chromatographic Separations

Kromatografiske separationer

The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of chromatographic techniques and to provide tools for selecting the optimal method for a given separation problem. The main topics are:
  • Theory of chromatography.
  • The main groups of chromatographic techniques (classified according to the mobile phase): gas, liquid and supercritical liquid.
  • Types of equilibria used in chromatographic separations and the corresponding stationary phases.
  • Instrumental and practical aspects including sample injection, columns and detectors.
  • Optimization of separations including choice of mobile and stationary phase, gradient elution, derivatization etc.

Suggestions from participants concerning in-depth treatment of particular topics are welcome.

Teaching material
Textbook material and selected articles.

Teaching curriculum
Two hours of lectures and two hours of experimental exercises per week.

Four years of study including the minor subject of chemistry.

Pass/fail based on participation and study activity.

Study points
5 ECTS credits (= 1 point).

Boy Høyer.

The course is offered in the fall term 2002.