Applied fisheries biology in freshwaters

Applied fisheries biology in freshwaters

Ph.D. course, Fall of even numbered years, 3 ECTS

The course will introduce a number of methods and techniques used in investigations of freshwater fish, regarding population dynamics, the role of fish in freshwater ecosystems and behavioural studies in situ.

The methods will include marking techniques, fishing with traditional fishing gear, electro fishing and radiotelemetry in freshwater. The methods will be used in practice and associated calculation methods will be introduced and used with examples.

Ph. D. students doing projects on aquatic ecology or related topics, and who do not have fish as a major part of the project, is the target group of the course. But other students are invited to join the course as well.

Teaching curriculum
The course will be a block-course lasting 3 - 4 days in the autumn. The successful participant will receive a certificate, which is requisite formality in order to acquire a licence to use electro fishing for scientific purposes in Denmark.

Søren Berg,

Limit on number of attendees