Preparation, interpretation and analysis of otoliths for use in populations

Preparation, interpretation and analysis of otoliths for use in populations studies

Ph.D. course and C-course, Spring 2004 (postponed - not scheduled), 5 ECTS

Since the early 1970'ies a large number of studies have examined growth, recruitment, migration, mortality and stock structure of fish using a wide variety of otolith based techniques. These studies have significantly enhanced our understanding of fish population dynamics. This workshop is intended to yield a thorough presentation, hands-on experience and discussion of the most used applications of otoliths as well as introduction to new areas of otolith research. The subjects covered will include:
Physiological and environmental influences on otolith composition and formation
Formation and interpretation of otolith microstructure and check marks
Analysis and validation of otolith data
Temperature and chemical marking of otoliths
Linking metabolism, otolith and somatic growth
Using otolith information in Individual Based Models

The workshop will consist of lectures (~15%), demonstrations (~15%), computer assignments (~10%) and a practical project (~60%). Six weeks before the workshop each student will sign on to one of 3 to 5 specified project groups. These groups will receive literature relevant for their practical project and thereafter prepare a research plan.

The workshop is arranged by the network on “ScaLing – from Individuals to Populations” (SLIP). The SLIP network forms part of the Danish Network for Aquaculture and Fisheries Research (

Marine Research Station, Livøvej 141, Rønbjerg, DK-9681 Ranum, Denmark, Tel.: +45 98 67 65 10,

The course is intended for Ph.D. students, however masters students will be considered. The number of participants is restricted to 16.

Peter Grønkjær(AU) and invited guest lecturers.

Limit on number of attendees