Invitation to a Student Webinar: Activism for Education for Sustainability

Are you passionate about using your education to bring about a sustainable world? Join us to explore how students on campuses worldwide are leading projects to reshape higher education.

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Mandag 9. december 2024,  kl. 14:15 - 16:45

Are you passionate about using your education to bring about a sustainable world? Join us to explore how students on campuses worldwide are leading projects to reshape higher education. In this webinar, we will showcase inspiring stories of student-led educational initiatives that tackle environmental, social, and economic challenges, all the while making their institutions more responsible and resilient.

This is a unique opportunity to see how students’ voices and ideas are not only heard but are becoming the foundation for sustainable change in higher education. Discover how you, too, can influence your university's education for sustainability, gain practical insights from fellow students, and connect with like-minded individuals ready to make a difference.

When: Monday 9th December, 14.45 – 16.45 (Tea and coffee available from 14.30)
Where: It’s possible to participate both physically and online. The event takes place in Room D170, Danish School of Education, Emdrup Campus, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV.
Language: Plenary sessions will be in English. Group discussions in Danish or English.
Cost: Free
Link for Registration:

The webinar is hosted by UBU - Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling, DSF - Danske Studerendes Fællesråd and CHEF – Centre for Higher Education Futures,

14.30: Registration and tea and coffee. Start online

14.45: Welcome and introduction – DSF (Emilia Bøge Caliskan) and CHEF (Sue Wright)

15.00: Education, sustainability and student activism
Jeppe Læssøe & Jonas Lysgaard, DPU, Aarhus University
Sustainability challenges across the globe are to a growing degree influencing how higher education is understood and changing. The most progressive and dynamic voices in this process are the students. Læssøe & Lysgaard will highlight the backdrop of students' engagement with sustainability in higher education and the potentials and pitfalls drawing on international research and experience from the field.

15.30: Break

15.40: Examples of Student-led Courses

15.40: Sustainability Office, Humboldt University
Ernesto Simon Fager & Vero Pinzger
Over the last 11 years, students from Humboldt University have been organising their own Sustainability Office to run a range of projects to make the university and Berlin more green and fair. Two students will explain how one of their projects is peer-to-peer teaching of a 10 ECTS course available to all students at the university. It consists of a lecture series that the students organise themselves and a seminar where students develop projects and gain the skills needed to bring about change.
15.55 Centre for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS), Uppsala University
Two students will present this student-initiated, interdisciplinary centre, which was set up to contribute to a more just and sustainable world. Since the early 1990s, the centre has initiated and expanded the space for transdisciplinary student-led higher education as well as research and collaboration that transcends traditional academic disciplines and boundaries between academia and society at large.

16.10: Small group discussion
In small groups, participants are invited to exchange their ideas and experiences and suggest ways to develop higher education in Denmark to tackle the green and just transition to a more sustainable world.

16.25: Plenary discussion
Each small group is invited to suggest one (or more) way(s) they would like to develop education for sustainability. The aim is to generate a list for further action.

16.40: Ending- DSF (Emilia Bøge Caliskan) and CHEF (Sue Wright)
On-line closes

16.45: Refreshments and informal continuation of the conversations