News archive


- UNIvers nr. 12 - 2012

Aarhus University received a letter on friday morning containing a bomb threat against Campus Fuglesangs Allé. The area was searched by the police and…

Aarhus researchers top the bestseller list

- UNIvers nr. 12 - 2012

Aarhus University Press latest initiative for sharing knowledge has turned out to be a success.

Culture and politics in Lithuania

- UNIvers nr. 12 - 2012

Lithuania is in focus, when Aarhus University and the Lithuanian Embassy work together to host “Lithuanian Days 2012” from the 8th to the 9th of…

The lost graduation

- UNIvers nr. 11 - 2012

David Vranicar from the USA is a former student of AU, and also used to be the international student writer for UNIvers. He has now written a book…

University election 2012 – also for international students

- UNIvers nr. 11 - 2012

On 26-29 November the students will once again be electing representatives to the university’s many councils, boards and committees, and international…

Welcome to Aarhus

- UNIvers nr. 11 - 2012

There was a full house when the City of Aarhus invited all the city’s international students to a ceremony of welcome at the City Hall.


A visit to the front line in the IT trenches

- UNIvers nr. 10 - 2012

Who’s in the front line when the university has IT problems? The staff of the AU IT helpdesk, who offer service facilities to both staff and students.…

Remember to give us your permanent CPR number

- UNIvers nr. 10 - 2012

Many international students start their courses at Aarhus University before receiving a final Danish CPR registration number. During their first few…

Follow the International Centre on Facebook

- UNIvers nr. 10 - 2012

If you want to keep up to date about events for international students at Aarhus University, the International Centre’s Facebook page is a great place…

A guided tour of Danish cuisine

- UNIvers nr. 9 - 2012

Pickled herrings, fried onions and koldskål. These were just a few of the Danish delicacies offered to new international students at the Danish Food…

Huge Friday bar and sports day

- UNIvers nr. 9 - 2012

On 14 September from 10 am until late at night there will be a combined sports day and Friday bar in the southern part of the University Park to…

New database for PhD scholars

- UNIvers nr. 9 - 2012

From 1 September onwards it will be easier for PhD scholars in Denmark to find relevant courses at Danish universities, thanks to a joint database for…

Indignant Spanish fighting for democracy on Facebook

- UNIvers no 8 - 2012

Facebook and Twitter can be used for much more than simply updating your status and keeping people informed of what you’re doing. In Spain, hundreds…

Timetable for salary negotiations

- UNIvers no 8 - 2012

If you are a member of staff at AU and have a Danish salary agreement, you are probably entitled to an annual salary review with your immediate…

Ideas for a summer in Aarhus

- UNIvers no 8 - 2012

If you’re going to be in Denmark this summer, and if you’d like a little inspiration about what’s going on in and around Aarhus, the Aarhus Tourist…

Denmark is still popular among Nordic students

- UNIvers no 8 - 2012

New statistics published by the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education show that a total of 5,569 students from other Nordic…

Lands of Opportunity

- UNIvers nr. 7 - 2012

International students are leaving their home countries in search of better opportunities in Aarhus, Denmark and in Northern Europe.

End-of-Semester gathering

- UNIvers nr. 7 - 2012

The International Centre at AU and the Student House invites all international AU students, mentors, tutors and international coordinators to an…

Mexican students and teachers meet Minister for European Affairs

- Students

Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen, meets with Mexican students and teachers at a debate at Aarhus University.

Spring excursions

- UNIvers nr. 6 - 2012

Aarhus is one of the greenest cities in Denmark, a place where you only have to walk or cycle a few hundred metres to get to the nearest woods,…

Departmental relocations at ARTS and BSS

- UNIvers nr. 6 - 2012

Some of the libraries, institutes and administrative departments at ARTS and BSS have already been relocated, while others are still waiting to move…

Aarhus Boat Race raised a few eyebrows

- UNIvers nr. 6 - 2012

On 3 May the Aarhus Boat Race was held in the University Park, and a number of international students went along to see what the fuss was all about.

The Great Debate - There's still time to sign up!

- Students

Global Citizen would like to invite you to “The Great Debate - Solutions by Re-thinking,” an event that will take place at Aarhus University on June…

Study Metro

- Students

Study Metro is a service from AU to help both Danish and international students with a variety of academic issues, from writing exam papers to overall…

The Danish invention Grandma-PC is a big hit among the non-tech savvy

- Students

DukaPC, an invention originating from Aarhus, is a super simple PC specifically designed for people with little to no IT knowledge. It's so easy to…

16-19 May - Aarhus Sustainability Festival

- Students

Learn more about sustainability initiatives in Aarhus while having a great musical and cultural experience at the same time!

5 May - Skagen trip with Studenterhus Aarhus (SA)

- Students

Are you at the end of your exchange experience and wish you had seen more of Denmark outside of Aarhus? Then this is one of your last chances to visit…