New search option at AU Library: search for published student projects

Now you can find published student projects when you search the library system at AU Library / Royal Danish Library.

You can find theses, Master's theses, Bachelor’s projects and semester assignments from KU, RUC and AU - that is assignments that the students have given the library permission to display.

The student projects have been handed in at various fields of study at the universities.

There are several ways of finding the new search option. Try the link "Student projects" on


Alternatively, go directly to the new search option.

Please note:

To gain access to electronic theses etc. from AU, you must:

  1. Be logged on to the library system as a student or employee at AU
  2. Be on AU Eduroam or AU's VPN

Remember that you must refer to student projects as you would refer any other source that you use. This also applies to your own projects if you use them across different courses.

Read more about how to refer to sources: