
Here you will find information about how to perform a Company Collaboration Project.

You can read about Company Collaboration Projects in your own degree programme in the information below and on the course page in the Course Catalogue.

Before starting the project, you must remember to make a contract for a Company Collaboration Project in The Contract Generator.  

Internship in Agrobiology

Note: this section does not cover the 30 ECTS internship that is mandatory to the EM-SANF programme.

As an Agrobiology, Agro-Environmental Management or EUR-Organic student you have the option of doing a 15 ECTS internship. The internship is done with a public or private company/organization in cooperation with an AU supervisor, and allows you to work with academic-level tasks that are not normally part of e.g. a Master's thesis.

Internship course description

If you want to do an internship, you must first register for it in the self service as if it was a regular course. You are responsible for finding a host company and an AU supervisor, and make a project plan. Please contact course coordinator Rasmus Pedersen before starting this process. Finally, you must make a project contract and optionally a cooperation agreement and/or non-disclosure agreement with the host company. 

When you start contacting host companies, this is a checklist of subjects that you should think about:

- Who will be supervising you? In some projects, the AU supervisor will be responsible for the majority of the supervision, and in other projects it will be the host company. In the latter case, it is important to have a clear agreement on which employees will be supervising, and that they have the sufficient time to do it.

- Who will be your AU supervisor? You can find a host company and a project first, and then look for a suitable AU supervisor. You can also start by finding an AU supervisor, and possibly use her network when looking for a host company.

- When and for how long do you want to do the internship? The internship can be distributed evenly throughout the semester, or concentrated in the first or second half. In any case, the internship should be ended in the same semester that it's started.

- What tasks should you be given? These must generally be at a level that matches your educational level. You should also consider what you want to try out - data analysis, customer contact, sales, teaching etc.

- What should the internship report be about? Your AU supervisor is responsible for this part of the internship, and your host company is not obligated to contribute.

- Can the report be made public? If not, then you should make a confidentiality agreement before the project starts. If the host company does not have its own confidentiality form, you are welcome to use the AU standard confidentiality form.

- What if I can't find a host company? First, get in touch with course coordinator Rasmus Pedersen. If you fail in finding a host company after that, we will settle on a plan B together. This is usually an internal Open Project, a regular course or a larger Master's thesis.

When you have reached an agreement with a host company and an AU supervisor, you must make a contract in the Contract Generator. The contract is approved by your AU supervisor and the programme responsible.

You may also find it useful to do a written cooperation agreement with the host company. You are welcome to use this draft: Internship agreement form.