Case Competition Tourism

This is your chance to apply your academic expertise to the field of strategic business development with a view to helping companies to stay relevant for their customers and partners.  

  • A collaboration between Aarhus University, Danish Coastal and Nature Tourism and Danish City Tourism

Cultural institutions need your skills

Are you ready to debelop new experiences or digital solutions for danish cultural institutions? 

At this case competition you'll get the opportunity to work on a case within the tourism sector. On April 26th and 27th we are hosting a case competition in The Kitchen, AU (Universitetsbyen 14, 8000 Aarhus C) where you'll get to use your academic skills and help the culutral institution with your new ideas. 

You will get a presentation of the different challenges that the tourism industry is facing and based on these challenges you'll help them think of new ideas. 

To kick-off the case competition you'll get to hear an inspirational talk on "New tendencies within the cultural sector", "How to make a digital solution" and "Introduktion to Designthinking". You can see the full program for the case competition on the fold-out button below. 

Taking part in this case competition is a good idea because:

  • It will give you the chance to develop your skills in relation to working with design processes
  • You’ll get the chance to pitch some good ideas and show potential employers what you can do
  • It’s a good platform for using your theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems
  • You’ll learn more about business life and gain insight into strategic design thinking
  • It will look good on your CV

Aarhus: Program April 26th and 27th 2022

April 26th


Coffee and breakfast at The Kitchen AU,

Universitetsbyen 14, 8000 Aarhus C

09:00 - 09.10

Welcome to the case competition by Katrine Solvang and Heidi Dahl Larsen


New tendencies within the cultural sector

Talk by Jarle Kondrup from InnovationLab


How to make a succesfull digital solution

Talk by Articipate




Introduction to Designthinking and presentation of cases by Lasse Chor

Meet your group




Group work on cases including afternoon coffee, tea and cake 

April 27th


Breakfast and oneminute pitch in the Kitchen, AU 


Lunch at The Kitchen 


Coffee and cake 




Finale + announcing the winner + socializing 


Kiss and goodbye 

Cases and groups

Gruppe 1 - Challenge 1 

Gine Præstgaard Sølvsten
Frederikke Engelund Engelbrecht 
Noura Løken Gheziel
Shahrier Changizi

Gruppe 2 - Challenge 2 

Katrine Brahe Hall
Olivia Chunxing Hynne
Kimberly Vos

Gruppe 3 - Challenge 1 

Jane Lang
Liga Volga
Truls de Lange

Gruppe 4 - Challenge 2

Kasper Kronborg Haslov
Tor Daniel Hermansson
Julie Ballet

Gruppe 5 - Challenge 1 

Valmira Gkioni
Michal Lampe Sørensen
Birte Bogaerts

Designmentor Lasse Chor

Lasse Chor is a Danish entrepreneur who started his first company at the age of 13, and has since then been heavily involved in the Danish and global entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Through his current company Happy42 Lasse is currently mentor for a number of startups around the world, and advisor to a handful of large corporations including some Fortune 500 companies.

Lately Lasse also turned his attention to investments and he’s currently active as a private angel investor.

Bonus info is that Lasse’s mom thinks that he’s is the best son in the world.

Judging panel

Claudia Rota Andersen, project manager, Danish Coastal and Nature Tourism

Adrianna Maria Hansen, business developer, The Kitchen

Lasse Chor, Founding partner, Happy42

Learning objectives

Participation in the Stay Relevant Case Competition will enable students to:


  • Demonstrate understanding of the ways in which theoretical knowledge from their degree programmes can be communicated and used in relation to a relevant labour market


  • Give presentations by making pitches
  • Independently communicate the relevance of academic theories and methods in relation to the labour market
  • Use their own academic expertise to solve problems which are relevant for the labour market


  • Independently adapt their academic skills for use in society as a whole
  • Take part in development work in a constructive manner


It's a really great idea to prepare before the case competition in order to get the most our of your time at the case competition. Below we've collected a series of links that can help you explore how you work best with others, which role you are in a group, and good advice on pitching. 

Get to know yourself 

What kind of teamplayer are you

Practice your presentation skills

Take a personality test 

Competition prizes

The winning team will get a chance to develop their idea with consultants from Danish Coastal and Nature Tourism. 

If there are any international students on the winning team they will win Merchandise from Aarhus University. 


The companies taking part have the right of ownership of all rights, inventions, production methods and other technical advances arising in connection with the case competition. The transfer of rights to the companies taking part occurs automatically and continuously as these rights arise.

The students are entitled to use products and material deriving from the case competition in contexts relating to exams and teaching at Aarhus University. The students are entitled to present their results of the case competition (also when applying for jobs) to the extent that this does not lead to the subsequent use of such results in breach of the rights that have been transferred to the company concerned. Students may only use products and material arising from the case competition in other contexts subject to a separate written agreement with the company concerned.


  • Museum Overtaci
  • Fregatten Jylland
  • Aarhus Søfarts Museum
  • Museum Skanderborg
  • Ringkøbing-Skjern Museum
  • Unverse Science Park 

Case collaborators

Danish Coastal and Nature Tourism

Danish City Tourism

See Case Competition 2020
See Case Competition 2017

Do you have any questions? Contact: