
What can you apply for exemption from?

You can apply for exemption from the rules that apply to your education program.

Examples of situations where you should apply for exemption include:

  • You have used 3 or more exam attempts without passing
  • You cannot pass the first-year exam within the first academic year
  • You cannot complete your education within the maximum study period
  • You cannot submit your thesis by the deadline
  • You require special conditions for exams
  • You wish to withdraw from an exam during the examination period – see more under 'Exams' -> 'Exam registration and re-examination'

Contact your student counselor if you are unsure whether you need exemption. Schedule an appointment for guidance at 'Student Counseling' -> 'Contact student counseling'

What can you do yourself?

  • Submit your application well in advance of any deadlines or exams. Processing time may take up to 6 – 8 weeks.
  • Familiarize yourself here on the study portal with documentation requirements, e.g., medical certificates.
  • Clearly explain what you are applying for and why. Be specific and precise (which course/which period/how long/number of ECTS, etc.).
  • Contact student counseling for guidance on your application and the rules of your program.
  • Check your AU-mail regularly. We will contact you via your AU-mail if we need more information.
  • Check digital mail – you will receive a response to your application via your AU-mail or in e-Boks (mit.dk, borger.dk).
  • If you have questions about the response to your application, contact your case handler via the Board of Studies mailbox. See 'Contact and Study Services' -> 'Board of Studies and Directors of study'.

If you apply close the deadline

  • Send your application, even if there is little time left before the deadline/exam. We will examine what is possible.
  • The processing time may vary depending on the complexity of your application and the number of applications being processed.
  • If you do not receive a response before the deadline/exam, the student counselling can advise you on your options.

How do you apply?

You must apply via mitstudie.au.dk

  1. Select "Applications to the Board of Studies" and "Apply for exemption".
    • Your name, student number, and AU email will be filled in automatically.
    • You must fill in the faculty and study program yourself.
    • Enter your mobile number if it is not included in the application.
  2. Clearly explain what you are applying for (e.g., exam deregistration, extension of maximum study period, extension of thesis submission, extension of first-year exam).
  3. See 'Rules and Guidelines' -> 'Important rules for your study program'.
  4. Explain why you need an exemption.
  5. Attach documentation (e.g. doctor's certificate).

What is 'exceptional circumstances'?

An exceptional circumstance:

  • is something you cannot foresee
  • is something you cannot plan or adjust for
  • is something that prevents you from following a rule in your education
  • has a direct impact on a rule in your education (e.g., time-related)

Exceptional circumstances must be documented.

Examples of exceptional circumstances

We cannot provide a complete list of exceptional circumstances, but here are some examples:

  • documented illness affecting you
  • being affected by illness in your immediate family
  • death in your immediate family

Examples of circumstances that are not exceptional

Situation where you can adjust:

  • not knowing the rules of your education
  • wanting to go on vacation
  • being offered a job or internship
  • not knowing where your exam will take place


When applying for an exemption due to exceptional circumstances, you must attach documentation.

Documentation could be, for example, a doctor's certificate – see more in the menu on the left.