Job search

Job searching is not only about finding the right job, but about actually getting the right job. On these pages we will share insight on everything you need to know to get a job. This includes writing a great CV and coverletter and performing well during an interview and/or test. You can also use these skills to find part time work during your studies.


We suggest that you participate in AU Career programme for international students. You can find the ucomming event in the event calender.

In the left hand menu you will find sections on everything you need to know to land a job:

  • CV: Find out how you create a targeted CV
  • Coverletter: Find out how you structure your coverletter and what content to focus on
  • LinkedIn: Find out how you use LinkedIn actively
  • Interview: Find out how you prepare before the interview and act during
  • Tests: Find out what to expect from the different types of tests you may encounter

Student jobs – part time work for students

In Denmark, part-time work opportunities for students are called ‘student jobs’. A student job can be a great way to earn money to support yourself during your studies and add valuable experience to your CV. Student jobs can be categorized into two main types:

  • Work that is unrelated to your degree
  • Work that is related to your degree

Work opportunities related to your degree are called ‘study relevant student jobs”.  This type of job is particularly beneficial to your CV and future career. Before you start looking for such a position, it may be helpful to ask yourself:

  • What industries do I find interesting and exciting? 
  • How can I apply my academic competencies and degree program to contribute to these industries
  • What do I want to work with in the future? 

These questions can help identify what a relevant student job looks like for you and narrow down your job search. It's important to note that many positions can have professional or personal relevance, as each engagement with a new field enables the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Preparing for a job fair or similar event

As you know, preparation is key to success, and this is also true when it comes to attending job and career fairs: both physical and virtual.   

1. Do your research 

Visit the registration page a couple of days before the event to see the link of participating companies. Research to learn about the current positions.   

Find 3-5 companies that you are particularly interested in and visit the company website and social media sites. Think of questions to ask the company based on the information you find, e.g.: 

‘I can see that you are looking for xxx. What is most important in order to be considered for this position? Do you have experience hiring internationals?  

2. Get the conversation started  

Ask your first question. Remember to listen and be curious to learn more about the company and the people working there. It’s a good idea to bring a notebook where you write down names, contact information, new ideas, questions, and other important information.  

Also consider how to introduce yourself to the company. Prepare a short introduction where you explain who you are, what you offer, and what you are looking for. Remember not to spiel off a prolonged and clearly rehearsed introduction though – ensure that it becomes a conversation and not a monologue. 

Be aware that the company might not know much about your specific education, so be prepared to explain what you have learned and how you can contribute. 

3. Update your online profiles   

When attending fairs, it’s important to update your profile on e.g. LinkedIn and AU Job Bank, as the recruiters might check out your profile to learn more about you. 

  • Check that the basics are accurate: name, contact information, education, and picture 

  • Add courses, competences, and experience  

  • After the fair connect on LinkedIn with the recruiters you have had a conversation with. When you do, remember to include a small polite message where you say thank you for an interesting talk at XX fair and ask them to connect.

See our LinkedIn page in the menu to the left for more advice.

And on the day of the fair - go for it! 

Dress professionally. Also remember to have fun and see the day as an opportunity to ask all of your questions. The recruiters are more than happy to talk to you and help you explore your options in their companies. That’s why they attend, so don’t be shy. 

AU Job Bank

Where to find a student job?

Student jobs are often advertised on LinkedIn and Jobindex, but you can also find a huge variety on the AU Job Bank. It is also popular to network and hear about opportunities at events and job fairs. 

My student job gives me...

"A valuable work experience and a chance to build a professional network within the Danish job market. Additionally, it provides insights into the Danish work-life balance, which is highly valued in local workplaces. The student job also allows me to cover living expenses and potentially save for the future, making it an integral part of my career preparation here.” 

Farhad Zarmani, MSc in Bioinformatics

Advice from employers for students searching for their first job:

  • Gain work experience alongside your studies
  • Effectively communicate your professional skills
  • Collaborate with a company during your studies
  • Start your job search during your studies

Ballisager, rekrutteringsanalysen 2023