
Apply for special conditions at the exams

Remember to apply early, if you are in need of extra time or have to use aids at the exam!

If you have a physical or mental impairment, you can apply to your board of studies for an exemption to take the exam on special conditions. For example, you can apply for extra time or permission to use special aids.

Apply for special conditions
If you would like to apply for special conditions for your future exams, you must submit your application as soon as possible and no later than six weeks before your first exam. Thereby, you are guaranteed to receive a decision in advance of the exam.

You can read about the requirements for documentation and how to apply for special condition at your study portal (

When automatically awarded
If you have already received an offer of an automatic award of special conditions at the exams, you do not have to apply for it yourself. Instead, you should familiarise yourself with the offer and the decision that applies to your current exams. The letters have been sent via Digital Mail.

Please contact the counsellor’s office, if you are in need of guidance or have questions.


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