Doctor's certificate

When do you need a doctor's certificate?

When applying for dispensation due to illness or disability, you must provide a doctor's certificate.

The doctor's certificate is a medical assessment that will provide the Board of Studies with the basis to assess whether you should receive dispensation.

The doctor's certificate must document how, to what extent, and for how long your illness or disability affects your ability to study / attend exams.

You are responsible for covering the cost of the doctor's certificate.

Duty of confidentiality

The Board of Studies and the Study Administration are bound by confidentiality.

Therefore, you can feel safe being open about your situation.

The better we understand your situation, the better we can process your application.

Legal capacity – who can issue a doctor's certificate?

The doctor's certificate must be issued by a doctor who is not closely related to you.

This means you cannot submit a doctor's certificate from a close family member or relative, regardless of whether they are your regular doctor or not.

Instead, you must contact another doctor to obtain an impartial doctor's certificate.