The three boards of studies: The Board of Studies of Natural Sciences, The Board ofSstudies for Engineering Sciences (BSE) and The Board of Studies of Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences (BSA) process all applications for dispensation regarding exams and advanced approval and final approval of credit transfers. The boards of studies also handle the composition of the programmes and the courses offered.
Click below to see the boards of studies representatives as well as agendas and minutes of meetings.
The Board of Studies Support and Degree Programme Quality Assurance unit (SNUK) handles dispensation and credit transfer cases for the board of studies, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree contracts, temporary enrolment, applications for re-admission, administrative transfers, study inactivity, academic regulations, quality assurance of degree programmes, examination appeals, etc.
Note: Apply for dispensation and credit transfer via
Use the emails below to contact the boards of studies:
Trolle René Linderoth is the director of studies for the following degree programmes:
Bernd Wollenweber is the director of studies for the following programmes:
Maibritt Hjorth is the director of studies for the following programmes:
Bachelor of Engineering
Master’s Degree in Engineering
Margrethe Therkildsen is the director of studies for the following programmes:
Tine Rousing is the director of studies for the following programmes:
You can make an appointment with the directors of studies by contacting them.