Bachelor's project

General information about the Bachelor's project

Registration for Bachelor's Project

You register your BSc project just like course registration prior to the term in which you complete your project. You submit your project report no later than 15 January or 15 June.

A BSc project that has not been graded passed can be resubmitted for reassessment by agreement with your supervisor, but no later than 15 March or 15 August. During the period from the ordinary examination result until resubmission, your supervisor is not required to provide further supervision.

The Bachelor’s project counts as 10–20 ECTS credits and takes place during the third year of the Bachelor’s degree programme. In the Bachelor’s project, students demonstrate their ability to formulate, analyse and process subject-related issues within a defined academic topic. The Bachelor’s project must include a summary in English. The summary is included in the overall assessment of the student’s written expression skills in connection with the project.
The Bachelor’s project is assessed in accordance with the Danish 7-point marking scale with the participation of an external examiner appointed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education.

Information about Bachelor’s degree projects in your degree programme is available from your student counsellor (found at 'Student counselling' in the menu) or degree programme coordinator (found at 'Contact and Study Service' in the menu).

Submission of Bachelor's project in WISEflow

You must submit your Bachelor's project in the system WISEflow (for more information, go to 'Examination' > 'WISEflow' in the menu).

Deadline for submission in WISEflow

The Bachelor's project must be submitted no later than:

  • Winter exam: January 15 at 13.00 with assessment no later than January 31
  • Summer exam: June 15 at 13:00 with assessment no later than June 30

It is your own responsibility to submit your Bachelor's project in time. For this reason, we recommend that you upload and submit your Bachelor's project well in advance of the deadline. Bachelor's projects that are submitted too late will not be evaluated.

You can already now log on to WISEflow. Your exam will be available no later than one week before the deadline. You can find relevant information on Bachelor's projects under the exam information in Digital Exam.

Submission format

As a general rule, you must submit your Bachelor's project as a single PDF file. However, it is possible to enclose appendices in other formats, if necessary.

Legally valid submission

Please note, that the version of your Bachelor's project, which is submitted in WISEflow, is the only legally valid version. It is therefore this version that is included in the overall assessment of the Bachelor's project.

In case of complaints, it will also only be the version in WISEflow that is valid.

The student and the supervisor agree on the extent to which physical copies are made for co-examiner, co-supervisors etc.

Guidelines and support

You can find answers to any questions under 'Examination' > 'WISEflow' in the menu.

Front page for the Bachelor's project

You are responsible for creating a front page for your Bachelor's project.

The front page must contain the name of your supervisor, and the date of submission. In addition, the Bachelor's project must be accompanied by a title in English, even though it already has a Danish title.

Please note that you may only write your name and student registration number on the front page if your bachelor's project isn't anonymised.

Bachelor's projects which only consist of a submitted project are anonymised. Bachelor's projects with an oral exam are not anonymised.

You can read more about anonymisation under 'Examination' > 'Important information about exams'.


If you do not submit your bachelor's project on time or do not pass, you use an exam attempt and you must register for the re-examination yourself.

Registration for the re-examination

Takes place during the registration period via
You can find the registration period under 'Examination' > 'Exam registration and re-examination' in the menu.

Is it possible to get guidance before the re-examination?

In the period after the ordinary exam result until your re-examination, there is no requirement for your supervisor to offer additional guidance.

Submission deadline in the Digital Exam

Winter re-exam: no later than March 15th with assessment no later than March 31st
Summer re-exam: no later than August 15th with assessment no later than August 31st


Please send any questions from your AU-mail to

Access to the Contract Generator

As of March 2024, access to the contract generator requires a secure internet connection. Therefore, please ensure one of the following:  

  • Log in while on AU's Eduroam network.  
  • Download and activate AU's VPN.  

You can find guidance and download link for the VPN here

If you experience issues with the contract generator, you can contact contract generator support at: