Starting this semester, you’ll be allowed to use generative AI (GAI) tools in the majority of your exams at AU. But there will be some exams where GAI…
And would you like to develop a business idea with students from all over Europe? Then sign up for the Circle U.-programme ‘Entrepreneurial…
Remember to apply for credit transfer!
How to get a quick response to your application.
Do you want to help solve some of the world's biggest problems together with students from all over Europe? Then sign up for the UN simulation game…
Are you planning on using a Mac computer for a written on-site exam? Then you may have problems with Word and Excel at your exam. Find out how to deal…
Do you enjoy communicating and planning events - and would you like to tell the good stories about the university alliance Circle U. to your fellow…
During the summer months, you will have a smaller selection to choose from than usual in the canteens at the Nobel Park, the School of Dentistry and…
Prepare for your digital exam.
For full-time students on their Master's degree programme, as well as students at BDE/Business Development and GMM, who are registered for the…
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