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Enrolment in a credit module


Would you like to replace some of the compulsory or elective courses in your degree programme with individual courses from a degree programme at Aarhus University?

Read below how you can do it.

What does ‘credit’ mean?

A credit module is a module or course you take in another subject than your main subject and that can replace compulsory or elective courses in your degree programme, i.e. you qualify for credit transfer.

A credit module is therefore not a course you take in addition to your degree programme. If you would like to take modules in addition to your degree programme, please contact the Secretariat for Continuing Education (please find contact information at

What are the prerequisites for enrolment in a credit module?

The prerequisites for enrolment in a credit module are:

  • That credit for the module/course can be transferred. The board of studies for your main subject must confirm that credit for the course can be transferred to your current degree programme and thereby replace a module in your current programme.
  • That there are places available on the module in which you wish to enrol. The board of studies for the subject offering the module determines whether there are places available and whether you have the necessary academic level to attend the instruction and participate in the examination in the requested module.
  • That you fulfill the the upper secondary subject levels that are admission requirements for the degree programme. This also applies if the level is taken as part of the qualifying examination. The pass requirement cannot be met by rounding up.

Note! It is not a requirement that you are already enrolled in a degree programme at Aarhus University. Enrolment in a credit module is open to anyone studying for a university degree.


Students applying for enrollment in a credit module under Business Administration must meet certain admission criteria.

How do I apply for enrolment in a credit module?

  1. Complete the application form. AU Students only. Non AU students can use this application form.
  2. The board of studies for your main subject must confirm on the timetable that credit for the module can be transferred to your main subject. The board of studies must also indicate which subject in your current degree programme the credit module will replace.
  3. After that you must send the application form to the board of studies for the host subject.
  4. The board of studies for the host subject will after they have received your application consider if you can attend the instruction and participate in the examination in the requested module.
  5. REMEMBER … once you have passed the credit module, you have to apply to the board of studies for your main subject to have the credit for the credit module transferred to your degree programme.


You only need to indicate your citizenship on the form if you are NOT a Danish citizen. If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU or the EEA, you have to pay for your studies in Denmark unless you have permanent residence, a permit with a potential for permanent residence in Denmark, or if you are studying in Denmark under an exchange programme. As Aarhus University does not have access to your residence permit, you must enclose a copy of the permit if you want to be exempt from payment.

REMEMBER! Once you have passed the credit module, you have to apply to the board of studies for your main subject to have the credit for the module transferred to your degree programme.

If you have any questions regarding credit module, please contact the counselling at your Faculty: