Systems Development

Systems Development

The purpose of this course is to give the students an introduction to various aspects of the development of computer systems and their introduction in an organization.


The course covers the following domains:

Introduction to fundamental issues in systems development: Challenges in design of computer systems for organizations. The role of computer systems in organizations. Organizing and managing systems development projects; project groups, management groups and reference groups; planning, assessment and regulation. Establishing relations to the user-organisation: in-house development, contract development, product development.

Basic paradigms: Software engineering/information systems theories, socio-technical methods, participatory design. Functional decomposition, data flow (structural analysis), data (information) modelling, object orientation.

Systems development methodologies: Main elements/phases in systems development: Analysis/mutual learning, design and realization. Specification in terms of object-oriented analysis and design. Prototyping in terms of horizontal and vertical prototypes; exploratory prototyping, experimental prototyping, evolutionary development.

Computer support for systems development: Object-oriented CASE-tools, interface builders, application frameworks, application generators and database tools, integrated development environments.

Project work: The students work in groups on a system development problem from a real organization throughout the course. They undertake object-oriented analysis and design using CASE-tools, followed by prototyping using interface builders and database tools.


Will be announced


Take-home exam



