Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Introduction to river- and groundwater hydraulics, and basic measurements techniques in the laboratory and field.

a) Basic hydraulics and hydrometry: Statics, the equations of fluid motion: pressure, stress and energy concepts. Irrotational flows; Reynolds number; turbulent and laminar flow; model laws; boundary layer flow; steady pipe flow; open channel flow, weirs, hydrograph analysis; runoff in Denmark.

b) Hydrology: Precipitation, evapotranspiration, infiltration and soil water. Linear reservoirs and other simple models,

c) Groundwater flow. Porous media, hydraulic conductivity and Darcy's law. Differential equations for flow in confined, semiconfined and leakage reservoirs. Boundary conditions and superposition. Analytical solutions for simple 2-dimensional and radial flows. Interaction between surface water and groundwater.
3 lectures + 2 theoretical exercises/week
Laboratory exercises: 3 days at the end of the semester
2-days excursion

4 hours written examination. (13-scale)

