


The course aims at giving the participants sufficient knowledge and practical experience to enable them to produce antibodies and use these for analytical and preparative purposes. The course covers the structure, properties, production and application of antibodies. Practical work includes the production of polyclonal rabbit antibodies and monoclonal mouse antibodies. The antibodies produced are tested and used for purification and analysis of antigens. Various common immunochemical analytical methods are taught. In addition, the course includes the following topics: (1) Immunoglobulins (protein and gene structures of antibodies and their biosynthesis). (2) The cellular immune response (lymphocyte-mediated immune response, primary and secondary response, antigen antibody reaction, epitopes, primary and secondary reaction, immunoprecipitation). (3) Work with experimental animals. (4) Production of specific antibodies (polyclonal antibodies, quantity and purity, immunisation protocols; monoclonal antibodies, laboratory techniques, hybridoma techniques, nature and quantity of antigen, screening methods, affinity determination). (5) Purification of immunoglobulin. (6) Immunoadsorption. (7) Protein characterisation by means of antibodies. (8) Immunocharacterisation of proteins with isotopes, fluorescence and bound enzymes.


Roit et al. "Immunology" latest edition, Times Mirror International and original literature.



Internal evaluation: Passed/Failed on basis of satisfactory participation in the course.




August. - Intensive 2-week course.