Action plan 2020

Below is an extract of the 44 activities included in the action plan for Aarhus University’s 2020 climate strategy. See all the activities here.


  • Introduce a fixed temperature of 21oC in AU’s buildings during the heating season: Done.
  • Pilot project with electricity metres on selected IT devices in order to develop guidelines for default settings for employee PCs, for example use of hyper mode: Done. An overview has been prepared of the energy consumption of computers provided for employees by AU.
  • Identify opportunities for introducing night-time closure of campus – with particular focus on energy-intensive laboratory buildings. Including establishment of a system to keep the campus open at night if required: Done. In future, there will be more focus on possibilities to close laboratories at weekends and during holidays, and on better control of ventilation at night to reduce energy consumption.



  • Encourage the canteens to propose climate-friendly measures to reduce their carbon emissions: Done, and included in the contract with the cafeteria provider selected in the canteen tendering procedure in 2020, for example.   
  • Development of a sustainability policy (including policy for food waste) to be a competitive parameter in a tendering procedure: Done. 


  • New building projects to include that the supplier must deliver data on waste fractions and waste volumes: The project has been completed and is now being applied, for example in the new building for Aarhus BSS in the University City.   
  • Develop a model for collecting coffee grindings from coffee machines to use as a growth medium, either at AU or externally. Done.