Study portals

University elections: Time to cast your vote!

Your vote will help decide which students represent you on your local board of studies, academic council and PhD committee. The polls are now open, and you have until Thursday 16 November at 16:00 to cast your vote for your favourite candidates.

Photo: Lars Kruse / Graphics: Gudrun Frost-Søgaard

You can now vote in an election that will have a great impact on your daily life as a student at Aarhus University – the university elections! With just a few clicks on your laptop, you can cast your vote for the student representatives who will represent you on your degree programme’s board of studies and your academic council. If you are a PhD student, you can also vote for representatives to your local PhD committee. VOTE HERE

Der er god grund til at stemme, for det er vigtige emner, som bliver drøftet og besluttet i de forskellige organer. Studienævnene udarbejder fx forslag til studieordninger, følger op på undervisningsevalueringer og godkender eksamensplaner. Studenterrepræsentanterne i råd og nævn er med til at påvirke og gennemføre de små og store tiltag, som letter hverdagen for dig og dine medstuderende.

How to vote

Please note that in some cases elections may be uncontested or cancelled. This means you can’t vote in these elections. You can see a list here.

Staff and PhD students are also having elections for representatives this year. Find out what elections you can vote in as a PhD student.

The election results will be announced in week 47 at

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