Bf. 18 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (1p)

Bf.18 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (1p)


Quantum field theory has become the language of modern theoretical physics. The goal of this course is to familiarize the students with this language aiming primarily at the basic physical concepts and putting less emphasis on technical details and specific applications. The main topics will be:

a. Basic concepts of classical and quantum mechanics. Classical field theory.

a. Relativity principle. Lorenz transformation. Transformational properties of fields.

a. Quantization of freee fields. CPT theorem. Spin-statistics theorem.

a. Interacting quantum fields. S-matrix. Feynman rules.


Greiner and Reinhardt, Field Quantization, Springer 1996

Kursets form og omfang

2 hrs. lecture and 2 hrs. exercise per week in F00.


Dmitri Fedorov