Bf. 23 Partikelfysik II (1p)

Bf.23 Partikelfysik II (1p)


A largely classically based discussion of gauge theories in particle physics.

1. The gauge freedom of the Maxwell equations.

2 The introduction of electromagnetic interactions into the Schrödinger equation via a local U(1) gauge theory.

3. The klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation.

4. Spin 0 and spin ½ QED.

5. Weak interaction phenomenolgy.

6. Yang-Mills non-abelian gauge theory.

7 .The electro-weak gauge theory of the standard model.

8. The Higgs mechanism and the introduction of Mass

9. The generation of quark and neutrino(?) mass.


"An Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics" by W.N. Cottingham and D.A. Greewood.

Kursets form og omfang

2 hrs lectures and 2 hrs exercises per week in F00.


Geoff C. Oades.