Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

OrCh 511 Metal-catalysed reactions, synthesis, kinetic, stereospecific reactions, experimental and quantum-chemical calculations of reaction mechanisms, theory of chemical reactions and the structure and chemical properties of molecules (K.A. Jørgensen).

OrCh 512 Electrolysis, voltammetry, the relation between structure and reactivity, reaction mechanisms, electron-transfer reactions, photo-electrochemistry (S. Uttrup Pedersen, K. Daasbjerg).

OrCh 547 Experimental organic chemistry within the following research areas: Carbohydrate mimetics, enzyme chemistry, solid phase synthesis, combinatorial chemistry, development of new synthesis methods in bioorganic chemistry (M. Bols).

OrCh 548 Development of new synthetic methodology, lanthanide chemistry, total synthesis of bioactive compounds, radical and anionic chemistry, carbohydrate and peptide chemistry, asymmetric synthesis (T. Skrydstrup).