Ck. 78 The Differential Equations of (Electro-)Chemistry (Elektro-)kemiens differentialligninger

Ck. 78 The Differential Equations of (Electro-)Chemistry.

(Elektro-)kemiens differentialligninger


The course presents the differential equations commonly met in electrochemistry and chemical kinetics; for example ordinary differential equations and systems of these and partial differential equations. Analytical solution methods are given, concentrating on operational methods (the Laplace transform). The second half of the course deals with numerical methods, their implementation and numerical analysis aspects.


Teaching material 
Mathematical notes will be handed out; for the numerical work, D. Britz, Digital Simulation in Electrochemistry, Springer.


Teaching curriculum

A 1 hour lecture and 3-hour tutorial per week throughout the semester.


Basic mathematics (calculus), and knowledge of computer programming (DatK/DaCh310 or equivalent).


A mark is given in the Danish 13-scale based on handed-in assignments and a short oral examination with internal examiners (intern censor).


Study points
5 ECTS credits. - Spring term 2004.


Dieter Britz.