Ck.70 Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and its Applications in Chemistry

Ck.70 Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and its Applications in Chemistry

Faststof NMR spektroskopi med anvendelser i kemi


Solid-state NMR spectroscopy has found numerous applications in structural and compositional investigations for a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds and important materials. The course will describe fundamental spin interactions, experimental techniques, and NMR instrumentation for NMR of powdered solids. These methods and the interpretation of solid-state NMR spectra will be demonstrated by structural and quantitative studies of selected organic and inorganic materials. For organic and metalorganic compounds this will mainly include experiments for spin-1/2 nuclei (i.e. 1H, 13C, 19F, 29Si and 31P), while the investigations of inorganic materials will primarily focus on solid-state NMR quadrupolar nuclei (i.e. 11B, 23Na, 27Al, 51V, etc.). Selected applications of solid-state NMR will be presented in the lectures and demonstrated in practice by experimental exercises. In addition, computer simulations of experimental NMR spectra will be employed in the interpretation of the results.


Teaching material
Lecture notes and selected review articles.


Teaching curriculum
Two hours of lectures and two hours of experimental or theoretical exercises per week in one semester.


Four years of study including the minor subject of chemistry.


A mark is given in the 13-scale, based upon study activity and reports on the exercises with internal examiners (intern censor).


Study points
5 ECTS credits. - Spring term 2004.


Jørgen Skibsted, Hans J. Jakobsen, and Henrik Bildsøe.


The course is offered as a graduate course for Ph.D. students in chemistry.