STADS is once again up and running, and you can register for spring classes and exams. The registration deadline is Thursday 7 November at 23.59.
Unfortunately, due to system restrictions the booking program is currently only available in Danish.
Find more information about SPS on spsu.dk
Are you experiencing problems with the booking system?
Then you might need to change your cookie-settings. You have to allow functionalmcookies before you can enter the booking system.
You can allow functional cookies for AU's sites here.
Don't you have an AU student number?
Then you can write some random numbers in the box under "AU Studienummer"
If you cannot attend the meeting, you must cancel your appointment in the booking system 24 hours before the meeting.
In case that you have to cancel later than this, you can send an SMS to the SPS-counsellor that you booked a meeting with.