Pre-approval and credit transfer

STADS is up and running

STADS is once again up and running, and you can register for spring classes and exams. The registration deadline is Thursday 7 November at 23.59.

Students can have credits transferred from other institutions. However, this requires that the exams are approved by academic assessment and the credit transfer application is approved by your board of studies. If exams are of sufficient level and relevance, they can be added as electives, and if there is complete equivalence between an exam you have taken and a mandatory exam on your programme, you can be exempted from taking the exam. Credit can only be transferred if the board of studies is completely satisfied with the quality and content of the external elements for which you are requesting a credit transfer.   

Please note that it is not possible to receive a credit transfer for courses you took on a Master's programme. 

Bemærk at det ikke er muligt at få merit for fag, som du har taget på en kandidatuddannelse.

Applying for pre-approval approval/credit transfer

When applying for permission to replace a required course on your degree programme with a different course, you must be granted pre-approval approval (before you start) or credit transfer (after you have completed the course). The board of studies will decide whether you can get pre-approval approval or credit transfer. 

You should use the same application form for both pre-approval approval for/credit transfer from another Danish educational institution and pre-approval approval for/credit transfer from a foreign educational institution. If you want to apply for pre-approval approval for another Danish educational institution or a foreign educational institution, you must apply through

When you pass courses that were pre-approved, you will need to apply for final approval of the credit transfer via Remember to include a copy of your pre-approval approval. Once your application has been processed, the credits will be added to your study programme and will appear in the STADS student self-service system.  

NB! Note that you need to apply for a credit transfer before the course in question starts. If you apply for a credit transfer after the course has started, you will still get credit, but we cannot refund the tuition fees. 

What information do I need for my application?

You can only apply for pre-approval approval or a credit transfer once you have gathered all relevant information. The following information must be collected for pre-approval approval and credit transfer: 

Pre-approval approval (before taking a course at another university) 

  1. Name of the course, degree programme and educational institution. 
  2. Detailed course descriptions in Danish or English, stating both the level (Academy, BA or MA) and credit value of the courses.  

    As a minimum, the course description must include: Course descriptions documenting the subject areas covered, syllabus, number of lessons, type of exam, ECTS credits - if the scope is not given in ECTS, include documentation of what constitutes a year of full-time study in the credits that the course is expressed in. For example: A year of full-time study is 60 ECTS, as this is the standard workload over two semesters. Provide documentation of the number of credits you need to obtain over two semesters if you follow the prescribed workload of the degree programme to which the course belongs. 
  3. Describe which courses from your own degree programme/academic regulations the courses are meant to replace. 

Credit transfer (transfer of courses passed at another university): 

  1. Certified evidence of completed courses, i.e. a transcript of records with stamp and signature from the educational institution where the courses were completed. 
  2. If the exams were taken abroad, you must enclose an official description of the applied grading scale. 
  3. Provide the course title in Danish and English for all courses/projects for which credit transfer is requested.  
  4. Pre-approval approval of the courses for which you are requesting a credit transfer, or course description in Danish or English of the courses for which you are requesting a credit transfer (including course level, ECTS etc.) 

Transfer of grades

When you apply for credit transfer for a course in your study programme, the course must have been completed using the 12-point grading scale at the institution in question. However, this does not apply to courses that are completed with a pass/not pass or courses completed at foreign institutions. 

If you have received a grade based on the 12-point grading scale for the course for which you are requesting a credit transfer, this grade will be added to your study programme. This grade will be included in your overall grade average if the ECTS workload is the same.  

Grades obtained at foreign institutions cannot be converted to a corresponding Danish grade and will therefore not be included in your overall grade average. If the course has been completed at a foreign institution, your grade will be converted to “Pass.”

Credit transfer when admitted to a degree programme after taking single-subject courses

When transitioning from single-subject courses to the full degree programme, any single-subject course passed from Aarhus BSS will automatically be transferred to your full MBA programme, so you do not need to apply for credit transfer yourself.  

Once your single-subject courses have been transferred to your full degree programme, you will be able to see them in the student self-service system at under the tab “Grade results”. Check that all your exams have been transferred to your full MBA programme. If you have any questions, or if not all your courses are listed, please write to   

Please note that the maximum degree completion time for your programme starts when you enrol on your first single-subject course.