Web room booking

Book vacant classrooms and group rooms online

On the page roombooking.au.dk, students at Aarhus BSS and Aarhus University can book vacant classrooms and group rooms online.

You can book the rooms no earlier than three days in advance.

When you book vacant classrooms and groups rooms, we encourage you to:

  • Help us utilise the rooms as efficiently as possible. Please choose a room in a size that fits your purpose and the number of participants – with space enough for distance and other health-related considerations.
  • Please check if you might be able to use the study spaces in 2610(S) at Fuglesangs Allé instead. These can not be booked via roombooking.au.dk.

Please be aware of the following: 

  • If you fail to show up within the first 15 minutes of your booking time, the booking will be annulled.
  • Special circumstances and changes can happen and if AU needs the room for another purpose, the person/group who has booked the room must leave. In this case, we will notify the person who booked the room via email.
  • If you need assistance, please contact Aarhus BSS Student Services.

Which rooms can you book?


  • Fuglesangs Allé
  • The North-Eastern Corner
  • Tåsingegade

Book group rooms

  • Fuglesangs Allé
  • The North-Eastern Corner
  • Herning Campus

How to log on: roombooking.au.dk

Need help?

If you experience errors on roombooking.au.dk, for instance issues with logging on to the system or booking rooms, please contact: studentservices.bss@au.dk