Rules for Generation tools:
AU has adjusted the rules for the use of Generative AI (GAI) so that it is now allowed in all projects, unless your academic regulations or the course catalogue doesn’t explicitly state that using GAI is not allowed. It is important that you are aware of when GAI is allowed to use and how to cite it correctly. If it is permitted, you must follow the same referencing rules that apply to any other sources, as it otherwise will be regarded as plagiarism. Read more about GAI in the menu item 'GAI and chatbots' on the left.
It is your own responsibility to be present when it is your turn to be examined. The exam list is not a time schedule, so if one student does not show up, the next one on the list will be examined instead. Therefore, if you want to make sure that you are there, when the lecturers are ready to examine you, you should be there from the beginning of the exam schedule - you cannot know whether all students listed on the exam schedule will be present.
If there is preparation time before the oral exam the first student has to show up 30 minutes before the examination starts.
Written exams:
Exam results:
You can find your exam result at as soon as it has been registered.
Aarhus University offers special terms and conditions to students with physical or mental functional impairments.
Apply for an exemption as early as the beginning of the semester
It is important that you register for the right exams within the deadline
We assess your options for special terms and conditions for your exam(s) based on your exam registrations.
You need to do the following from now on:
You can read about the new process in the sections below here:
Your extra time for written exams will be shown in WISEflow no later than two days before the exam. If not, contact your examination administrator in WISEflow.
Have you been granted an exemption to receive the exam set for your paper exam digitally so you can use your IT aids?
Then you can bring your computer to the exam and access the exam set in WISEflow. You must have the Device Monitor enabled throughout the entire exam.
Please note that you must submit your entire exam paper either on paper or digitally in WISEflow. You are not allowed to submit some parts on paper and other parts digitally.
We grant exemptions for
Aarhus University can offer special terms and conditions for exams when we deem it necessary in order to ensure that the student is placed on an equal footing with other students in connection with a specific exam.
However, the level of the exam may not be altered by the special terms and conditions.
The practices of the Boards of studies at Nat and Tech in granting exemptions are as follows:
Please note that if you attend courses at other faculties and universities, there may be other practices for special terms and conditions for exams.
We do not grant exemptions for
The practices of the Boards of studies at Nat and Tech is that we do not usually grant exemptions for:
If you have any questions for the above, please contact us at:
In the Course Catalogue you can find information about permitted aids for exam in the specific course description.
Rules for computers:
Computers must be brought along for exams (even when it is implied that there are 'no' exam aids), unless it is specifically stated in the course catalogue that computers are not allowed.
Rules for mobile phones:
You are only allowed to use a mobile phone during the written exam for two-factor authentication when logging on to AU server. The exam supervisor's instructions must be followed.
If you need to prepare hand-written material in connection with your written digital exam – such as drawings, formulae or other items – the material must be digitised and attached to your exam paper. You are personally responsible for digitising the material and attaching it to your exam paper.
The digitisation must take place in the time allowed for the exam and in the examination room, using approved digitisation tools.
If you need to prepare hand-written material, you must choose between the following digitisation solutions:
You are personally responsible for ensuring that the digitised material is of a quality that enables it to be read and assessed. We recommend that you try out the digitisation tools well before the exam, so that you are completely familiar with them when you use them in the exam.
You are not permitted to use a mobile phone, tablet, or other communication platforms to digitise hand-written material during exams on Campus. See the rules and regulations for communication during a written exam under 'Examination' > 'WISEflow' in the menu.
You have two options for attaching digitised material to your exam paper. You can:
We recommend that you enter the hand-written material directly in your exam paper, so that you can submit the paper as a single document.
* Digitisation tools are available in reasonable quality in price ranges from below DKK 100.
When you are sitting a written exam, please note that communication is not permitted. Communication during an exam is regarded as cheating.
If you receive messages or similar from communication platforms or file-sharing services during the exam, you must under no circumstances answer them, and you must immediately inform the exam supervisors about what has happened.
Make sure you know the rules, which can be found under 'Examination' > 'Cheating at exams' in the menu.
You must always bring your student ID card for written on-site exams. This is so that the exam invigilation can identify you as an AU student.
Did you lose your student ID card?
You can read more here about how to reorder a new one.
For the exams, you then need to bring another form of publicly issued picture identification (passport or driver’s license) – staff ID cards or the like will not be accepted.