CV workshop (English)

A precise and clear CV is important for a successful job search. Participate in this event if you want to get knowledge of and concrete tools for developing a structured CV with impact.

Info about event


Tuesday 9 October 2018,  at 15:15 - 17:15


Studenterhus Aarhus, mødelokale 2. Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2, 8000 Aarhus C


Arts Karriere og Studenterhus Aarhus

At this event You will gain knowledge about the purpose of a CV, insight into what a good CV should contain as well as knowledge about what Danish employers focus on in a CV. You also get examples of how a CV can be graphically displayed and how skills and strengths can be conveyed.

The event is a cooperation between Arts Career, Aarhus BSS Career & Alumni and Studenterhus Aarhus.  

We look forward to seeing you!

The event is for you, that ...

Are bachelor or graduate students from Arts and want knowledge about how to draw up a strong CV that is manageable and effective at employers.

After the event you have ...

Concise knowledge of what is important for writing a strong and focused CV

Knowledge of what a prospective employer is looking for

Insight into how to compile a CV and select content and tips on how to convey your skills in your CV

Sign up here: