Campus Hangøvej 2

Below you can find practical information about Hangøvej 2.

Access to the building


To and from Hangøvej

How to get to Hangøvej

Hangøvej 2
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Building number 5250


Find the closest bus here

Access to the building

The main entrances to the building follow the normal AU opening hours. The doors open at 7.30 in the morning and close at 16.00 in the afternoon. 

To access the building outside of the opening hours, you must activate your student card so it works as an access card to the building. You must type your four digit pin code followed by # to unlock the doors (once your card has been activated).

IT support, printing and wireless internet

IT support
The IT support at Katrinebjerg is located in the Nygaard building, Finlandsgade 21-23, 1st floor, room 198.

Usually, the opening hours are from 9.00-13.00. 


Access to wireless internet

The wireless internet at is called Eduroam. Read more.


You cannot have private mail sent to an AU address.

In relation to project work, it may be necessary to have mail/packages sent to Katrinebjerg from companies. In this case, please make sure that the following is stated clearly on the package: Aarhus University/department, name of recipient, student number and address.

Booking rooms

Safety and fire

It is important that everyone is aware of his or her own and others' safety. Always make sure to read the safety and user instructions before using any of the equipment.

The building is equipped with an acoustic warning system that will inform the users of the building of what to do in case of fire. The building is also equipped with a sprinkler system that will start fighting the fire automatically.

In the event of fire or accidents

  • Stop/contain the accident if you can do so without putting yourself at risk.
  • Call 112
  • Evacuate the area/building if necessary
  • Call the Aarhus University emergency phone number: 87 15 16 17