
Administrative registration

If you are a master’s degree student following the prescribed study programme, you are automatically registered for your master’s thesis at the fourth semester of your degree programme. However, you are responsible for checking, that your registration is correct.

The registration takes place at this point in time, as this gives you the possibility to carry through three exam attempts in your master’s thesis within your maximum duration of studies.

If your maximum duration of studies is extended or shortened, your (automatic) registration will depend on your maximum duration of studies.

It is also possible to write the Master's thesis on the third semester of the Master's programme, if you at the end of your second semester are expected to have passed 60 ECTS corresponding to the first academic year.

Choice of topic

At AU Library you can search for publicly available Master's thesis. Go to AU Libray's, where you can search by author, title, subject and supervisor.


You must fill out an online registration form with topic and suggested supervisor here on the study portal.

Please note that as a rule, it is not possible to apply for a change of specialisation, when a topic for the master’s thesis has been registered. Applications for exemption to change specialisation must therefore be received before the registration deadline.

If you want to write your thesis in a group, only one group member must register in the form and make sure to add the other group member.

Deadlines for filling out the registration form is at noon on 1 December (for Spring) and 1 June (for Fall), respectively.

The registration form will be made available via the link 1 May/1 October: Registration form

Approval of preliminary title and thesis statement

Your supervisor must formally approve of your preliminary title and thesis statement. This means that immediately before you begin writing your Master’s thesis, you will be asked to upload your preliminary title and thesis statement to WISEflow, where it will await formal approval from your supervisor. You can find the relevant deadline in the table under 'Deadlines'.

It is perfectly acceptable for the preliminary title and thesis statement to be identical to the description you submitted via the online form in connection with your request for / choice of supervisor, and you may change your title and thesis statement in collaboration with your supervisor on an ongoing basis while writing your Master’s thesis.

Do you wish to write your thesis as part of a group?

If you wish to write your thesis as part of a group, you should be aware of the rule that during your master's programme, you are required to submit at least one major written assignment as an individual written assignment. Both the Master’s thesis as well as the project courses (P) are considered major written assignments. Hence, you can only write your thesis as part of a group if you have submitted or plan to submit an individual written assignment in connection with your project course (P).

For further information, please refer to section 3.6 in your academic regulations.

Students with specialisation in Public Policy

Students with the Public Policy specialization are required to apply for a main supervisor from the Department of Economics and Business Economics and a co-supervisor from the Department of Political Science. Please send an e-mail to Department of Economics and Business Economics at with the name of your preferred co-supervisor the same day you fill in the registration form with the name of your preferred main supervisor.