Written assignments

A number of courses include written compulsory assignments or written take-home assignments as exam form.

Below, you can read more about formalities, requirements, rules, deadlines, etc. relating to these written assignments. These rules also apply to Bachelor project and Master's thesis.

Information regarding supervisors

Students, who wish to be supervised by supervisors from outside the department, must apply for permission and provide a justification for the proposed supervisory arrangement:

External supervisors will be appointed in exceptional cases only.

Requirement for an individual assignment on the Master's degree programme

Please note that at least one written assignment on the Master’s degree programme must be submitted as an individual assignment. In this context, the Master’s Thesis, Topics and project course assignments count as written assignments.  Please refer to your academic regulation for further information.

Confidential projects and theses

If you are writing a confidential project, please go to this webpage for more information.

Formal requirements

You will find the full description of rules and formal requirements for your Master's thesis here:

For more information, please consult the guide in the course descriptions of the relevant course.

You must submit written assignments via WISEflow (digital exams system). Find more information about submitting your Master's thesis.

Standard pages and characters
A standard page is defined as 2,400 characters, including spaces.

The following are NOT included in a standard page:

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix
  • Page header or footer

An abstract is always in English only; this applies to assignments in Danish as well. The abstract is part of the total character count and should not exceed one page.

Tables, figures, graphs and similar
Tables and figures (including their headlines and captions) each count as 800 characters – regardless of size/length. Equations count towards the total character count.

It is the responsibility of the student to include all characters in tables, figures and equations in the character count; even if these are inserted as images (and therefore not automatically counted in Word).

The total character count must be stated on the front page of the assignment.

Front page
The front page must contain the following information:

  • Title (in Danish and English)
  • Name of author
  • Name of supervisor
  • Department
  • Submission deadline (date)
  • Total character count
  • Permission to publish assignment: yes/no

Project courses - Submissions deadlines

Project courses - with oral defense and external examiner


1st exam attempt: 15 December. Exam: January.
2nd exam attempt: 15 February. Exam: February.
3rd exam attempt: 15 December (the following year). Exam: January.

1st exam attempt: 15 May. Exam: June.
2nd exam attempt: Monday in week 31. Exam: August.
3rd exam attempt: 15 May (the following year). Exam: June.

Please note: You are responsible for registering for your 2nd and 3rd exam attempts. You can read more about registration here on the student portal under Exam registration and withdrawal.

Topics - Submission deadlines


Please find information about registration here.

Please find information about submission deadlines here.

Topics (P) – with oral defense and external examiner

You will receice an email from the Department of Economics with information about time and place of the oral defence. 

Please note: You are responsible for registering for your 2nd and 3rd exam attempts. You can read more about registration here on the student portal under Exam registration and withdrawal.

Re-examinations topics and projects

The rules for re-examinations apply unless specified otherwise in the course description.

All students who have to take a re-examination will be allowed to revise their project, but may at their own risk choose to retain the project already submitted. Please note, you must hand in the project paper for the reexamination no matter whether it is revised or not.

If a student chooses to revise the submitted project, the student must explain which parts of the assignment have been revised. This can be done by writing a page with a description of changes in relation to the original project.

The same rules apply to students who have submitted a group project. They are responsible for deciding whether they want to take part in the group's project or change parts of the project before the re-examination. If the project is changed, the changes must be accounted for as if the students had handed in the assignment individually.

Students who have not submitted a project must submit a brief summary of no more than one page on how the project has been changed in relation to the project, which was intended for submission to the ordinary submission date.

In cases where a student is ill, or if special circumstances apply, the student may apply for an exemption from the rules.

Please note: You are responsible for registering for your 2nd and 3rd exam attempts. You can read more about registration here on the student portal under Exam Registration and withdrawal.


Non-submitted project
There is no access to the oral exam, and an exam attempt has been used. The project can be submitted for re-examination (2nd exam attempt), after which there is access to the oral exam. 3rd exam attempt must be completed in the same semester the following year according to the guidelines that apply to the 1st and 2nd exam attempt.

Deadline met
If the student obtains a grade of either -3 or 00, it is possible to prepare a revised project in connection with the 2nd and 3rd exam attempt, if the student wishes to. Students, who wish to submit a revised project in connection with the 2nd and/or 3rd exam attempt, are responsible for informing both their supervisor immediately after having learnt that the 1st (or 2nd) exam attempt has not been passed.

Deadline met for written hand-in, but the student fails to appear at oral exam
An exam attempt has been used. There is access to the oral exam at the re-examination (2nd exam attempt) in the same project. 3rd exam attempt must be completed in the same semester the following year according to the guidelines that apply to the 1st and 2nd exam attempts. See deadlines above.


Non-submitted or not passed project
An exam attempt has been used. The project can be submitted for re-examination.
The project must be revised each time. Revision of synopsis and project is approved by the supervisor.

Topics (P) – with oral defense and external examiner

See above.

You will receice an email with information about time and place of the oral defence. 

Non-submitted project
There is no access to oral examination, and an examination attempt is used. The project can be submitted to the reexamination, after which it is possible to take the oral reexamination.

Non-passed project
If the student obtains a grade of either-3 or 00 at the oral defence, the student may choose to revise the project in connection with the second and third examination attempt. The review of the synopsis and project is subject to the approval of the supervisor.

Deadline met for written hand-in, but the student fails to appear at oral exam
An exam attempt has been used. There is access to the oral exam at the re-examination (2nd examination attempt) in the same project.