A written exam is conducted with and without PC as well as with and without (all / assigned) aids.
At AU, most written examinations are held as a digital exams. See the relevant course description for information regarding examination form, length and specification regarding aids: AU Course Catalogue.
- A valid student ID card must be brought for all exams.
- Time and place for the examination is listed in your exam schedule.
- The meeting time for written examinations is between kl. 8.30 and 8.50. The exam starts at. 9.00.
- Students must bring their own PC as well as necessary extension cords, distributors, etc. - i.e. all the equipment required for the PC to work. Refer to the guidelines issued.
- Bring only the permissible and most necessary to the tests. There will usually be baggage review, and it will slow down the start of the exam, if too many things are to be sorted out.
- Remember that nothing may be borrowed from your fellow students, when the exam is in progress.
A written exam is a type of examination, where students are given a list of questions and/or problems, which they must answer and/or solve in writing within a given duration.