Study portals

Exam schedules

Exam schedules

Here you will find the date, time and place for your exams.

Here you will find the date, time and place for your exams.

We know how important it is for you to be able to plan your exam period. However, there may be unexpected events or special circumstances that may cause us to make changes to the exam schedule. We therefore recommend that you check the exam schedule for updates regularly.

Reexamination schedules, February 2025

  • The preliminary reexamination schedule is ready on 17 January 2025 at 16:00.
  • The final reexamination schedule is ready on 11 February 2025 at 16:00.
  • The final reexamination schedule for the course Familie- og arveret is ready on 24 January 2025 at 16:00.

Reexamination schedules, August 2025

  • The preliminary reexamination schedule is ready on 16 June 2025 at 16:00.
  • The final reexamination schedule is ready on 15 July 2025 at 16:00.

Oral exam

Bachelor's courses

Shortly after the deadline to deregister, the specific time for your oral exam will be e-mailed to you through WISEflow (the e-mail is sent to your university e-mail). The deadline to deregister is 14 days before the first day of examination on that specific course.

Master's courses

On courses with oral examination three exam dates are distributed (depending on the class size) over three periods to ensure the necessary flexibility. In the winter period, one date will generally be placed in December.

In the middle of the semester, the teaching team, together with the lecturer, decide on three exam dates (may depend on the size of the class). The students can then sign up on the date list og their choice. If there are too many students written on a date list, Department of Law will draw lots for the places.

After the deadline for withdrawals, the department will publish the final exam lists on Wiseflow.

Are there multiple rooms listed for your written exam?

If there are multiple rooms listed for your written exam, you can find your specific room on a list (PDF) within your specific course/exam in WISEflow 2-4 days before your exam date.

With the app AU Find and the AU Building map you can find your way around AU.

When do I have access to my exam flow in WISEflow?

Approximately 1 week prior the exam you will have access to the exam flow in WISEflow.
