Physics 203

Physics 203


Physics 203 has a theoretical and an experimental part. The theoretical part consists of analytical mechanics and special relativity. The experimental part comprises electronics, statistics and a project.
Analytical mechanics
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism for mechanical systems and for a charge in an electromagnetic field, polar coordinates with application to the Kepler problem.
Special relativity
Historical introduction, the principle of relativity and the constancy of the velocity of light, simultaneity, the Lorentz transformation, Lorentz contraction and time dilation, transformation of velocities, relativistic dynamics, four-momentum, equivalence of energy and mass, four-potential in electrodynamics, transformation of electric and magnetic fields.
Experimental part
The laboratory work consists of:
1. Basic electronics frame components to a current supply.
2. Illustrations of the statistical treatment of experimental uncertainties.
3. A projekt in slectromagnetism or optics.

A.P. French, "Special relativity", notes.

2 hours of lecturing and 2 hours of problem solving, and 3 hours of laboratory per week. The course is taught in Danish.

Evaluation and grading system
There are mandatory problems to be solved and a final oral exam in the theory part. Active participation in the laboratory with written reports on the work performed is mandatory. Oral exam, external marking. Evaluation: 13-scale.

Ejvind Bonderup (theoretical part) and Helge Knudsen (laboratory).

ECTS credits

3rd and 4th quarter, spring 2004.