Microbiology: Microscale Sensing in the Environmental Sciences

Microbiology:Microscale Sensing in the Environmental Sciences

C-module and PhD course Spring of even numbered years, credit 5 ECTS

Department of Microbial Ecology, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aarhus,

Marine Biological Laboratory, Zoological Institute, University of Copenhagen.



To give an introduction to analysis of microscale chemical gradients and associated interpretations. The course is primarily intended for those interested in microbial ecology, limnology, and oceanography, but physiologists and others may also participate.


Location and duration

The course will take place at the University of Aarhus field station at Rønbjerg, and the duration is 11 days from May 4 to May 14, 2004.



Diffusional processes and modelling of such processes. Analysis of oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophic communities or organisms by use of microscale chemical sensors and optical sensors. Analysis of the nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon cycles in nature by use of optical, electrochemical, and bio-sensors.

During the first 4 days there will be 3 lectures in the morning followed by a planned laboratory exercise or more lectures during the afternoon.The participants will present themselves and their projects during the evenings. On the 5th day all participants will go on an excursion to the west coast of Jutland or to the island of Livø. During the last 6 days, the participants will work on a project of their own finished off with a project report. The report, which may have up to 3 authors, has to be written and presented for the other course participants during the course.





Teaching materials

Notes submitted to the participants 2 weeks before the course.



Niels Peter Revsbech (AU), Michael Kühl (KU), and invited guest lecturers.


Limit on number of attendees



Additional remarks

This course is primarily organized for PhD students and their attendance will be given first priority. Teaching will be in English if non-Scandinavians participate. There will be a course fee of about Dkr. 2500 to cover food and accommodation.