GIS and Spatial Analysis

GIS and Spatial Analysis

C-modul, Efterår 2003, 5 ECTS

NOTE: Kurset foregår på engelsk

To present the basics of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and to introduce the concepts of exploratory mapping , spatial analysis and modelling with special reference to ecology.

The course includes an introduction to the fundamentals of GIS: representation of geographic features (vector and raster models), data models, map projections and co-ordinate systems and data base management. Creation and editing of spatial data. Techniques for exploratory data analysis will be presented (summarising and presenting spatial data, density mapping, etc.) Basic modelling concepts such as map algebra, neighbourhood analysis, cost/distance functions, and suitability analysis will be presented. A number of actual cases from ecological research in Denmark and the Tropics will be used to exemplify the techniques.

Teaching material
Lecture notes. Recommended introductory text: "The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis. Volume 1: Geographic patterns and relationships." by Andy Mitchell.

3 hours per week for 8 weeks.

Flemming Skov, Flemming Nørgaard, Poul Nygaard Andersen

Pass/fail on basis of satisfactory participation in the course.

16 students