Designing Interactive Systems

Designing Interactive Systems

This couse aims at giving students insights into recent technologies and their use, such as mobile, pervasive and room technologies, at the same time as they apply and develop methodologies from participatory design and software engineering in order to deal with the challenges of these recent technologies when designing interactive systems.

The course will select a particular use domain and, together with users from this domain, carry out a design process where ideas are generated and explored; use situations studied; mock-ups developed and evaluated; and prototypes built. The projects, carried out by students in groups, will be documented through
- a video describing problems and solutions
- a flyer presenting the design
- an oral presentation of process and product to the student plenum.

The course will take its thematic shaping from the case. It will cover elements of human-computer interaction/user interface design, computer-supported cooperative work and cooperative virtual environments.

Susanne Bødker

dExpSys, dIntProg


Course Language:

2 points / 10 ECTS .