Human-computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) addresses computer artefacts from the point of view of the situation of use. How to assess use related issues and how to design for usability. Historically, the field has been quantitative and analytical as well as pragmatically oriented towards practical problems. The perspective of the field has developed from low level studies of isolated interaction between one user and one specific aspect of the software (e.g. performance with cursor keys), into incorporating the entire work arrangement and the object of the specific situation of work.

The course introduces the field of HCI from an intellectual perspective as well as from the perspective of practical analysis, evaluation and (re)design. The main frame of reference will be contemporary approaches taking usability as constituted in the situation of use. The historical development of the field will be treated through readings in its theory, practice and basic technology.

A range of topics from HCI including user models, interaction perspectives, interface components, virtual environments, small interfaces, multimedia interfaces, computer supported cooperative work, skill enhancement, learning and development, will be treated.

Students taking the course as a computer science B-course will attend lectures together with students at the multimedia education and IT-vest, but will conduct a separate project throughout the exercises. The project is the analysis evaluation and redesign of the Manufaktur, a collaborative 3D workspace. The purpose of this is to get hands-on experience with the specific techniques for analysis, evaluation and design introduced in the course, as well as to contribute to the further improvement of the Manufaktur system.

Evaluation of the course: A written report on the analysis, evaluation and redesign of Manufaktur including a discussion of the theories, methods and practical questions of the field of HCI as elicited by the project.

Olav Bertelsen and Susanne Bødker


A textbook in combination with papers and articles.

Course Language:

2 points / 10 ECTS