Migration Ecology

Migration Ecology

C-modul, Efterår, 1 point, 5 ECTS

To examine the phenomenon of animal migration, with emphasis on the individual's life-time track. By considering the vast array of migratory strategies evolved in the animal kingdom, from the spectacular to the obscure, the course aims to provide a unifying approach to the study of migration which cuts across taxa and gives a common framework for an understanding of how and why animals migrate. Compass systems such as the sun, moon, stars and earth's magnetic field for orientation and navigation will be reviewed.

The course will cover topics such as: life-time track, familiar area, home range, exploratory migration, migratory restlessness, orientation, navigation, magnetoreception, etc. A broad range of taxonomic groups will be considered, from bacteria to humans. The course also enters the controversial arena of a magnetic sense of direction in humans.

Students are expected to present/discuss seminars on self-chosen topics, and provide written overviews. In addition, in order to experience navigation techniques at first hand, students will be used as "homing pigeons" on a 1-day excursion and practical exercise, the results of this project being analysed by the students themselves.

Teaching material
List of books/articles will be handed out during the course.

Janice G. Mather-Christensen

8 x 1 hour lectures
8 x 2 hour seminars/practicals
Day excursion/practical

Pass/fail on basis of satisfactory participation in the course.

Maximum 30 students.