Microbiology: Sediment Biogeochemistry

Microbiology: Sediment Biogeochemistry

Ph.D. course and C-course, Spring uneven years, 5 ECTS

To present theoretical and practical approaches to aquatic biogeochemistry with special attention to benthic processes.

Teachers from the Department of Microbial Ecology and distinguished guests will provide lectures, discussions, laboratory exercises and field trips.

Graduate background in aquatic or microbial ecology and ongoing or planned project in these topics

Teaching period
One week in May or June in uneven years

Teaching curriculum
One week at Rønbjerg Marine Biological Station with morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Each student must prepare a seminar on their own project. A written report must be completed by each student and accepted after the course in order to obtain full credit for the course.

Lars Peter Nielsen(biolpn@biology.au.dk) and Bente Aa. Lomstein (biobl@biology.au.dk)

Number of participants
Limited to 16

Additional remarks
First priority is given to PhD-students from SOAS. Teaching will be in English if non-Scandinavians participate.