Scientific writing and communication

Scientific writing and communication

A special course with emphasis on the natural sciences

Ph.D. course, Spring, 1 credits, 5 ECTS

This is a 24 hours- course designed to introduce participants to the details of writing scientific publications. The main emphasis is on the most common form, the "primary scientific paper". The course will explain the current structure of scientific literature, the main features of the scientific information 'industry', and the particular rules, and customs the international scientific community follows when publishing. Particular emphasis will be placed on little taught aspects of the publication process such as how to decide about a suitable forum for scientific paper, as well as practicalities how to prepare and work through the different stags of the publication process (manuscript preparation, submission, dealing with editors and the printing process). Less emphasis will be placed on grammar and the use of English (special aspects of language use and style will be discussed). Principles of preparing figures and tables will be extensively discussed, as well as the important aspects of participating at international conferences (posters, talks, personal interactions).

Main topics:
The scientific literature: structure, purpose, prestige, types of publications
How to write scientific papers: before you begin
Basic decisions – what, how, when. Gathering intelligence about the unknown
Parts of an article: IMRAD
How to write the main parts of a scientific paper
Supporting parts & their importance
Figures & tables
submitting a manuscript
Stages to publication: what happens when and where?
How to handle the stages of publication process
Other types of papers
Talks & scientific conferences: how to perform and participate?

Course language:

Dr. Gabor Lövei
Senior Scientist, Department of Plant Protection, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Slagelse, Denmark.
GL has research expertise in a wide range of ecology and applied entomology, and has worked in eastern and western Europe as well as in New Zealand. He has over 10 years of editorial experience at different levels (reviewer, editorial board member, scientific editor, managing editor). He has held this course in Hungary, Denmark, and West Africa.

This course, earlier available for PhD students only, is offered to MSc students from this year. It is expected that participants have a good grasp of the scientific English and are either doing a PhD, approaching the writing phase of their MSc Thesis, or would like to train themselves in writing scientific articles. The course is suitable for all levels of scientists, but scientific workers in the biological sciences who want to publish internationally will benefit most from participation.

Requirements for crediting the course:
Lectures will be held in blocks of 4 hours (6 – 7 occasions). Participants should not miss more than 2 of these lecture blocks. Presenting a written assignment within one month after finishing the lectures is also a condition of crediting the course to participants.