You can learn more about the different possibilities at the orientation meetings about the two-year Master’s degree programmes for MSc in Engineering…
As a student at Nat and Tech, you can book an individual career counselling session if you want feedback and inspiration regarding your future career.
Would you like to explore the Olympic Games from different perspectives? And perhaps go on a 5-day trip to Paris - this year’s Olympic host city -…
The Olympics in Paris are less than 200 days away, and AU is warming up together with our partners in Circle U. Alliance. Participate in four online…
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 3 and 4 February 2024, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems and…
We confirm that planned exams today, Wednesday 17 January 2024, will be conducted.
Stay tuned here for information about exams on Wednesday 17 January 2024.
An updated exam schedule with your replacement exams will be published this afternoon.
After two days of cancellations, Aarhus University will resume written on-site exams. If you miss a scheduled exam today due to the weather situation,…
Nat and Tech will carry through all exams on Friday, January 5th, unless a completely unexpected situation arises. Check your AU-email for further…
We will conduct all exams tomorrow, Friday 5th January 2024, unless a completely unexpected situation arises during the night, where the police again…
This morning, the police advised everyone to stay home and avoid driving if possible. For this reason, AU has decided to cancel all written on-site…
All written exams on campus on January 4th at Nat and Tech has been cancelled. Oral exams are planned individually. Check your AU email for more…
We are sorry that we must cancel exams today Thursday 4 January 2024.
Please read this for information about exams on 3rd and 4th January 2024.
All written on-site exams in Aarhus on Wednesday 3 January is cancelled for the rest of the day. More information will follow as soon as possible.
Due to the snowstorm, many of today’s written on-site examinations at AU are cancelled. You will be notified directly about your specific exam in your…
Written on-site exams in Aarhus are cancelled until noon.
All written exams on campus at Nat and tech are cancelled today January 3rd due to the weather situation. Check your AU email for more information if…
Can you reuse text from one of your old exam papers in a new exam? How do you correctly cite your sources? And are you allowed to use a chatbot as an…
Remember to familiarise yourself with the FAQ about digital exams!
Remember the registration deadline on February 6, 2024, if you have to take reexaminations in February!
Your AU email will not work in an email client on your phone or tablet if you are outside Denmark. Whenever you’re abroad, sign in to webmail instead.
This year’s university elections are over, the votes have been counted, and the winning candidates announced. Get an overview here.
Winter exams are fast approaching, and this year, a number of students will begin using WISEflow – AU’s new system for digital exams. You will get an…
University Friday bars serve as meeting points where students can relax, socialize and engage in communities. To many, they are an essential part of…
Have you remembered to take the Danish Student Survey? If not, don’t worry – it’s not too late. By taking the survey, you can give AU really important…
Your vote will help decide which students represent you on your local board of studies, academic council and PhD committee. The polls are now open,…
For full-time students on their Master's degree programme, as well as students at BDE/Business Development and GMM, who are registered for a…
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