Profile courses

Profile courses are interdisciplinary courses focusing on the labour market for Master’s degree students enrolled in the humanities degree programmes at the Faculty of Arts. Profile courses are placed on the third semester of your Master’s degree programme.

Please note that the profile courses only counts for 20 ECTS. When you register via STADS, you typically also have to register for 'Thesis preparation' (10 ECTS).

Please check your academic regulations to find out which options you have on the third semester of your Master's degree programme, if you want a profile course.

Autumn semester 2024

*If, according to your academic regulations, you must register for profile courses corresponding to 20 ECTS, you need to register for both of these profile courses , each corresponding to 10 ECTS

Is it possible to replace my profile courses with other courses?

If you want to replace your profile course with other courses, you need to apply for advance approval. Following the link you can also see the relevant deadlines for applications for advance approval.

For one or several courses to be eligible for advance approval and credit transfer, it/they must meet all of the following requirements:

  • it is at Master’s degree level
  • it creates room for collaboration across several academic areas
  • it is vocational
  • it contains a clearly defined practice and ‘learning-by-doing’ dimension and
  • the courses in total amounts to 20 ECTS credits

Courses offered at AU can be found in the AU Course catalogue.

If you need help in identifying possible courses, please contact your student counsellor.