Upon your return, you can use your transcript of records from the host university to document that you have passed the agreed subjects. When the credits from abroad have been transferred to your study programme at AU, it will be stated in your examination certificate that you have been on an exchange abroad. No Danish grades will be stated for examinations abroad; they will simply be listed as 'passed'.
You must apply for credit transfer when you have passed courses at universities outside Denmark.
You can do this by submitting an application using this form at mystudies.au.dk:
Apply for credit transfer for a course you have taken at another educational institution
You must attach the following documentation:
Transcripts of the exam records in the language of the teaching and English
A description of the marking scale that has been used
A copy of your advance approval
Se more information:https://studerende.au.dk/en/studies/subject-portals/arts/rulesandguidelines/credit-transfer-at-the-faculty-of-arts
If you have not passed all your courses and come home with too few ECTS credits, it is important to contact a student counsellor as soon as possible to discuss your options in terms of acquiring the ECTS credits that you need.
If you have not passed enough ECTS credits, the number of ECTS credits that is transferred must be divisible by 10.
For instance:
If you need 30 ECTS credits but have only passed 24, 20 ECTS credits will be transferred. You will then need to supplement this figure with a course of at least 6 ECTS credits (in practice this will mean a course of 7.5 or 10 ECTS credits) before you can transfer the missing 10 ECTS credits. Any excessive number of ECTS credits that you gain in this way will not be registered in your degree programme.
You cannot round these ECTS credits up. In other words, if you need 30 ECTS credits but have only passed 29, you can only transfer 20 ECTS credits. You can only transfer the remaining 9 ECTS credits when you have passed a course that generates the number of outstanding ECTS credits that you need.
All students going abroad under one of the AU exchange agreements undertake to complete an evaluation form after their return. Link to the evaluation form will be sent to your AU-email.
The evaluation forms contain a lot of important information which may be useful for other AU students who are in the process of planning a stay abroad, and who are looking for the right university. Your experience will give them a clear picture of what they can expect in terms of courses and subject ranges, cost of accommodation, transport etc. at the foreign university.
ERASMUS students lose their scholarship if they do not complete the evaluation.
Each semester, several hundred new foreign students arrive at Aarhus University, either as exchange students for one or two semesters or on a full Bachelor or Master’s degree programme.
AU is looking for volunteers who would like to act as mentors/buddies for these students. As a mentor/buddy, you can play an important role in welcoming these new students to AU and helping them to settle in socially.
If this sounds like something you might want to do, please contact the relevant coordinator responsible for your area of study/faculty.