Non-disclosure agreements (NDA)

When entering into a research collaboration with an external party (company), a written confidentiality agreement (NDA) is often made.

Standard Agreement (Fast-track Agreement)

AU’s lawyers at the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) have developed a standard agreement (fast-track agreement) with pre-approved legal terms.

  • The contract (Student project and internship) can be found at the following link.
  • The fields highlighted in yellow in the contract must be filled out.
  • The contract, with all signatures (contact person from the company, student, and supervisor), should be sent to Andreas Røge Jepsen, Gustav Wieds Vej 10D, 8000 Aarhus C,, who will ensure that the contract is signed by the Deputy Head of Department for Education, filed, and subsequently sent to the TTO for registration.

Groups should enter their names, addresses, etc., in the same agreement. Otherwise, neither the students nor the supervisor may share confidential knowledge with each other, as this would mean sharing with a “third party”, i.e., someone who is not a party to the agreement.

The standard contract should always be presented to the company as the first proposal in collaborations. If the company wishes to add/modify the standard contract or use their own contract, contact, who will ensure that the contract is reviewed by the TTO. Deviations from the standard contract must always be signed by the Head of Department on behalf of AU